
Sunday, March 22, 2009


Margo Wininger, Art Director of Indianapolis Monthly: "Would you be interested in photographing our 'Day in the Life of Miss America' story?"

Me: "YES!"


I had already planned on returning to Indianapolis for the Miss America Homecoming celebration in honor of Katie Stam, once Miss Indiana, now Miss America 2009! And then I get this opportunity! [Thanks to Bridget Bobel, Michael Nash and Editor David Zivan] I arrived at the Statehouse around 1:00 to meet the writer, Daniel Comiskey, and photograph the "behind the scenes" moments of Katie meeting members of the House and Senate from the entire state, following her lunch and workout with the Governor. On the Senate floor, she was presented with the Sagamore of the Wabash award, the highest distinction given by the Governor.


After leaving the Statehouse, we went to University of Indianapolis where she was interviewed by the school radio, television broadcast and an additional documentary. Not only was Katie home in Indianapolis, but she was home in the studio in which she had spent so much time during college, preparing herself for her career in broadcast journalism. After a quick meeting with her advisor about graduation, we went to a reception and she was given a standing ovation and wonderful words from Beverly Pitts, the University President and her academic advisor. She was very touched by the reception and took that time to remind everyone that she is Katie, who just happens to be Miss America, but crown, pin, sash, and title aside, she is just Katie. A long line awaited Katie to personally greet and congratulate her, ending with her Miss Indiana successor and fellow UIndy grad, Megan Meadors.

This was wonderful to be a part of. Look for the article in next month's Indianapolis Monthly Magazine! View more photos HERE.

P.S. It's not REALLY a cover story ... but can't we wish?


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